Rtd Schedule Light Rail (2024)

1. Schedules

  • W Line

  • RTD provides bus and rail public transit service to Denver, Boulder, and surrounding cities in Colorado. Find station information, route maps, schedules, and fare options.

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3. RTD Schedules - Greater Denver Transit

4. A Train Schedule - RTD Denver - Denver Metro Transit

  • Monday-Friday - Denver Airport ; 12:00pm, 12:04pm, 12:09pm, 12:13pm, 12:16pm ...

  • ‹ íÿsǕíÿ,_½È®‰éï=¶¤*ÇN¶²•ä¥bçU½—ÊSA$D" %+o÷ß`†Îåô¹£8ë¤J?Ä¡s§»çô§Ñd÷=ýâ_¾ù__÷~÷‹ÉÍîvùêEûßÉr¶º~y6_ÿáÛ³æÒ|võêÅn±[Î_}5ùn3[¬&ß^Þ̯î—óÉùä÷ß}3ùf¾z7ß4ÿè~øÍ|·Y··®¶‹Ý‹é!öÅí|7›\ÞÌ6ÛùîåÙýîíy>ë®®f·ó—ÏÚrïg×óg“Ëõj7_í^>ûÅo›J<ëc»«go×ËåúýóÅêjþÃÙ!øl³~³Þm›.«ï'›ùòåÙöf½Ù]Þï&‹&òl²ûp×Ü·¸mJ˜6WÎ&7›ùۗgÓ·³wí íµéøø›ÝînûÅtzµz·¹m¾;´ûb½¹Æg?6öìÝbþþ®yþÙc³Þ/®v7/¯æMÈü|ÿç“Åj±[̖çÛËÙrþÒ<ŸÜÎ~XÜÞßöN<Ÿm.oúšÎîËÙn±^M×wóÕáÓ«ùör³¸k¯þë·ËææV—gOI÷ðŠÃ/ö1§¯i÷a9ßÞÌ绾äÝü‡Ýôr»ÅW´uç÷Ûó÷óíîÜ^Ìng]¯f﷗ëÛýÛë^\9}gÜôðà‹ÛÅꢹtqý×}ÁGïð¨-G¯ñëõíÝr¾›O¶}/}»Þ÷Ó¯&¿_ßïæø´ïçÞ¯7WÛ£G͞ñ|²Ù]M®x¼¯âr¶Z¯šw¾TuŽæ‰ÓM[“éìüðäóÙbÓvŠóæ‘óéI!‡–¿à?ÏÞÍWÏ^-Þ~vn^¾¼Z_Þß65o^éúûÅüâ ÙgÓÕúz6ýüóÿÿn¶™ì~u5y9yöMS£Næÿùÿ¼uæٗ“öã×w³¿4Ÿ¿oàZ¿¿xâ_ÿñ“?þéËöNj»ûíÍg|Ö´éòûß5Xüï¦O?ûÓç'ÎW³7Ëù¯›Wô]{ÛbuÝÞñÙÛûÕe«ÛgŸOöµºozÙôf};[͖v‹ËC¯¸[¼_|?=;y`3zìŸ4ßüa³|ö|rÿ¯Ïng»õíúâîæKonþv±›ÿꪹ±ixói[ØÕËz>¹~yuq¹™Ïvó_,çí¥Ïž^ê³ÏŸO¶Í‡×ó]÷Éö羛]ÿ¶é,÷ü±úӗ×{Už*ͽ¾˜m?¬._î6÷óö_ÛÍåËÇúþyÛܲ½¸›mš‡ÿv}5¿X4”mv?Ÿ7vþÙõóíç_þççŸ5ÿy1=<òՋéa8~³¾ú0¹\ζÛfäk:æ›ûmóþW—&ûõú¡ëÏ®Þ-¶ë͇³IÓ×Û¡{qõò¬ýá¼ëäÍ rµxw¸<_Ý¿^7Ýp9ûÐ\ž6×Ãÿ|s¸©+ðpé|·¾;;¹~ûfùúðYs}¶d;p´=ƒØÈz`äñ}ñe[ì¬>ôÞîޏˆ_®›ÑoNã›qf}·¿w½éâMŸõ7œu»^Ÿ½zú+®‰i4»=-åu?7ä߬›'\·CälßïÛbŸ¾z±XÝÝ÷d÷!ýƒ®Ÿr¥þr¨ÌñwËÙåüf½lŠ|yöíþâä͇ɷM³&¿úæùᇶÛ>Ÿ|½Ø}x>™ï./..Îޗ÷Í#÷ãË¡]±ov«×Ûýcv_|Ûû7·íWBôËfHØu€æ%¾n»UÓ½ö}`9{3_ž¶¯é——ß¿YÿphÅýv¾ñû|újò‡í|òõý¦åaòëîƒÓî1}7mKÙÌ·w떇nz\ÆÍâªN%\Ïׯ—Ísv÷Wóþž^›’àõêZF?^œö5è«÷¨L[Ëûå~Rr¸eÚö‘¶_=ª{~Üùžì{õ~}ø×¾£õ]-¶Ís· ¯ÍèÚ²½›­^}ÕßÌ&¿xûv~ÙôÎýÝù1°éÎ?uüÓ­š9ÌõA£W/š¼zq¿ì[p·iæC›ÍÕýD¤¿ÜrwÝV¢ù¡'ÖËíþ§«ùÛYóBNGöƒnԘ\Ív³óæaç]¹‡ØÓûwëëëeCõíuÿ^; 'ßµ7Uþ¨€~°{,¡»"Jzç...

5. RTD Light Rail to Denver Union Station

  • Discover Denver's RTD Light Rail, operating daily. With six lines offering direct routes to Denver Union Station and the lively heart of Lower Downtown.

6. RTD Denver - D Schedule

  • Complete schedule for RTD Denver D Route.

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7. RTD H light rail line - Denver - Transit App

  • The full H line schedule as well as real-time departures (if available) can be found in the Transit app. To Union Station. To Union Station. Florida.

  • See next departure times, schedules, route maps and all stop locations for the rail

8. RTD Bus & Light Rail System | Glendale, CO - Official Website

  • Access information about riding on Denver's public transportation system.

9. RTD rail light - Denver - Transit App

  • The full E line schedule as well as real-time departures (if available) can be found in the Transit app. Union Station. Union Station. Ridgegate.

  • See next departure times, schedules, route maps and all stop locations for the rail

Rtd Schedule Light Rail (2024)


How often does the train run from Union Station to Denver Airport? ›

Daily Schedule From Union Station

Trains leave every 15 minutes between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m. and every 30 minutes outside of those hours.

Do Denver buses run 24 hours? ›

Denver's bus and light rail system is run by RTD (Regional Transportation District). Denver's bus system operates 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, across eight counties in the Denver metro area. Buses run on most main streets throughout the Denver area and to the airport (SkyRide).

Does Denver have a train system? ›

The RTD light rail system is divided into four fare zones: A, B, C and Airport. The number of zones you travel in for each one-way trip determines your fare. Arriving trains stop at every station, so you don't have to signal the driver.

Where does the light rail go in Denver? ›

Stations. Quickly get to major hot spots like Denver International Airport, the Theatre District, Convention Center, Empower Field at Mile High, Pepsi Center, the 16th Street Mall, and Anschutz Medical Center.

How much is a ticket from Union Station to Denver airport? ›

Regional Transportation District operates a train from Union Station to Denver Airport Station every 20 minutes. Tickets cost $4–11 and the journey takes 37 min.

Does Denver light rail go to the airport? ›

With the A Line and SkyRide bus service we're providing easy, affordable, and reliable transportation to Denver International Airport with direct access to airline check-in, baggage check, security screening, and baggage claim.

Is there a free shuttle to Union Station Denver? ›

The ideal option for downtown commuters, RTD Free Metroride offers a completely free weekday rush-hour shuttle service connecting Civic Center Station with Denver Union Station along the 18th and 19th Street thoroughfare, with convenient connections to bus, light rail, and commuter rail services.

Are there free shuttles at the Denver airport? ›

Free shuttle service operates 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week, every 7-10 minutes. Shuttles pick up at the parking shelters in the Economy lots. NOTE: Economy Lot shuttle stops are subject to change during construction periods and walking distance to Jeppesen Terminal may be increased without notice.

Is RTD Denver still free? ›

For the first time, LiVE customers will be able to pay cash to purchase fares onboard vehicle and at TVMs. Zero Fare for Youth PilotThis pilot program allows for youth 19 and under to ride RTD at no cost September 2023 to August 2024, ensuring transportation is not a barrier to accessing education or employment.

What is the difference between commuter rail and light rail in Denver? ›

Commuter rail trains carry more passengers, operate at higher speeds and make fewer stops than light rail. The A Line provides fast, convenient service to DIA. Additionally, commuter rail vehicles offer different cargo space options for travelers making their way to and from Denver International Airport.

Can you purchase a train ticket at the station? ›

It really depends on your preference – there are lots of options to find the best fares in the most convenient place. For example, you can use the National Rail website or app, or visit a station ticket office or ticket machine.

Why doesn't Denver have a subway system? ›

Why hasn't Denver considered building a downtown subway, like similar North American cities have (Austin, Calgary, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, etc.)? Cost primarily. It is a exceptionally expensive to build subways.

Can you eat on Denver light rail? ›

Bringing open food or beverage containers onto RTD vehicles. Food must be kept in a sealed or resealable containers, and beverages must be sealed or in a spill-proof container. Eating on any RTD vehicle is only allowable to the extent that it is medically necessary.

Is Denver a walkable city? ›

With a walk score of 61, Denver is the most walkable city in Colorado. As the largest city in the state, the region boasts several pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods like Capitol Hill and Cherry Creek. These areas contain a variety of shops, restaurants, and attractions easily accessible on foot.

How much is a cab ride from Denver airport to downtown? ›

Flat Rate Charges: The following popular destinations have flat-rate charges (one-way fare, airport access fee already included): Downtown Denver (Zone A) – $72.04. Denver Tech. Center (Zone B) – $80.04.

How long does it take to get from the Denver train station to the airport? ›

The Denver airport rail has six stops between the airport and Denver Union Station. The 23-mile ride takes approximately 37 minutes.

Does Denver airport train run 24 hours? ›

The RTD Rail line to the Denver International Airport is called the University of Colorado A Line. It takes 37 minutes to reach the airport from Union Station. Trains depart every 15 or 30 minutes, with frequent service all day. It only closes briefly in the middle of the night.

How does the train work at Denver airport? ›

Trains at Denver Airport

Airport commuter trains are designed for passengers with luggage. They offer level boarding for easy access, such as overhead compartments. It runs every 15 minutes during peak hours (5:12 am to 7:27 pm) and every 30 minutes from 7:27 pm to 5:12 am, in the direction of Union station, downtown.

How often do Denver airport shuttles run? ›

How often do the shuttles run and where do they drop off and pick up at the terminal? Free shuttle service operates 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week, every 7-10 minutes. Shuttles pick up at the parking shelters in the Economy lots.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.